In my attempt to be faithful, I have started a study of Luke. I hope to be able to share with others what I have learned and encourage the sharing of your faith. In Luke 9: 51-56 Jesus spells out his mission explicitly, he focused his gazed toward Jerusalem. He was on his way to fulfill His mission on earth. His past three years had been healing and teaching and reminding his disciples of who He was and how to get to His father.
Jesus' disciples were there for all of the lessons and observed his miracles, but they still didn't grasp fully that Jesus had to give his life for the salvation of others.
In preparation Jesus sent people ahead to tell the villages that Jesus was coming. For many reasons, the people would not accept Jesus and it angered his disciples. Of course James and John wanted to bring fire on them and destroy the villages in the vein of old testament justice. This perhaps demonstrated their hearts and expectations of a warrior king.
Jesus had to set them straight. He reminded them that he came to seek and save the lost, not destroy those who chose not to listen.
Perhaps you have felt the cold sting of rejection after trying to give someone good news. However, that's not our fight, we are to just keep telling of If we have "the ministry of reconciliation". We have a message to pass on and we are the messengers. We should not take personally the rejections of the message. That is for Jesus to judge. I encourage you to continue to be faithful to your mission.
I have to admit it is hard to do what Jesus commands. Perhaps you are like me and time goes by without even talking to someone about your faith. Me, I'm trying to change that part about my life what I hope to do is share my experiences with this blog and maybe encourage you.
Yesterday I decided to go out and do something faithful. Jesus said to visit the sick and those in the hospital. So, to give my faith more purpose, I went to the local nursing home. You know what I saw there besides all the patients? Other Christians offering their time to encourage others. Let me tell you that the patients weren't the only one's encouraged by that. I am so happy to have been part of something that others saw importance in.
I invited someone to go with me to "show me the ropes". We went to rooms where there were members of our church. We had that in common as I engaged in conversation. Next time I go, I'll know what to do. I also plan to visit some who may not normally be visited. I also plan to write cards of encouragement and look for opportunities to share my faith.
Pray for me.
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