Luke11: 1-13
Jesus taught his disciples to pray. They had asked him to teach them. Maybe they had observed him praying and wanted that type of relationship with God. Have you noticed that some people tend to pray very well? Perhaps you are one of those. Me, I have a hard time praying. It is one of those areas with which I struggle. However, I can ask God to help me pray and he gives me those words.
While teaching 5th and 6th grade Sunday school, I went through an exercise. It was to pray the model prayer the way Jesus would want me to. Sure, he gave us the words, but I thought it important to personalize it.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. “God, teach me to honor your name as holy. You have many different names, help me to learn them and show you that I love you.”
They kingdom come. They will be don on heaven, so in earth. “Help me to see people as you do so I can lead them to you. Your will is to see that none perish, help me to be desperate for the lost.”
Give us day by day our daily bread. “Thank you for your continuous provisions. You give us everything we need, you resource us for our ministry physically and spiritually.”
And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. “God, this is my prayer, help me forgive those who wrong me. You have forgiven my continuous betrayals and shortcomings. You have forgiven those who mocked and crucified you, leaving me with a perfect view of forgiveness. Help me to practice that daily.
And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. “Jesus, help me to discern sin when I see it and flee. Help me seek shelter in you, solace in other Christians and guidance by the Holy Spirit.
As Jesus continued to preach about prayer, he used two parables to remind his disciples (and me) to pray and ask with a pure heart. God, who is good, will give more than any parent. We are fallen creatures. If we give well, how much better can our heavenly father give to us.
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