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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Looking for God

Chapter 18: 31-43

After explaining the sacrifice believers may endure as they follow him, Jesus then begins to explain what he himself will soon go through. His perfect sacrifice will soon unfold and he spends a few moments explaining to his disciples the prophesy that he will soon fulfill.
In the disciple’s hearing he probably talks about what was written in the past as it relates to what will soon unfold. Jesus probably relayed the writing of Psalms, Isaiah and the other prophets foretelling of how he will be mocked, spit upon whipped and put to death. The disciples didn’t quite understand. They didn’t understand the words of the prophets and how they were coming true with Jesus in their midst.
Christians today have the benefit of knowing how this all turns out. We can flip a few chapters in the bible and witness the fulfillment of those prophets words, but he disciples were living one day at a time. Believers today can see that Jesus was speaking of his crucifixion and what his death and resurrection will accomplish.
What the disciples experience with prophesy is nothing knew and we can hardly chastise them for their disbelief or lack of understanding. The bible is full of prophesy that is revealed and we refuse to see or understand what is happening from a biblical point of view. The Holy Spirit is revealing what God is doing and we may not acknowledge it.
How often have you heard someone ask, “does anyone have any prayer requests or praises to share?” They may ask another way, “What are you thankful for today?” What is the response in the room? Is it dead silence or is everyone clamoring to share something good that the Lord has done for them.
I had that experience last night at church. The pastor asked the question and a few people answered very excited about what God had done for them. Though I didn’t share and though I thought I had nothing to share, their praises were almost exactly what God had done for me. Why hadn’t I noticed?
This must have been on my mind as I fell asleep. A few hours later I sat up in bed after a bad dream. The dream was unrelated to what happened next, but it served to wake me up. As I settled back in bed to get back to sleep a thought occurred to me. Two people had mentioned in a prayer requests that two men had lost their jobs and how it their age and the economy may work against them in finding a new job.
What got to me was the truth that these men were only 15 – 20 years older than me. I began to ponder what it would be like if I lost my job, how would I feed my three young ones (see my other blog: I mean, God had been so good to help me with job security and promotions during a difficult economic time. And there it was, God’s blessings that I had been blind to. In my panic, he revealed his work in my life.
More often than not, I might find myself silent searching for something, anything that I can be thankful for. This experience just demonstrates that my lack of response does not reflect God’s inactivity, but my failure to keep in tune with how He is working in and around me.
I often pray that God will help me see what he is doing. When I do so, I become more aware. Others keep a journal to write down prayers, some pray, others get together and talk about it. What methods do you use to keep God’s blessings in mind?

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