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Monday, August 18, 2008

Real Compassion

Luke 10:25-42

Jesus had confided in his disciples about how blessed they are that God had revealed certain things to them. The very experiences they were having with Jesus had been foretold by the prophets of old and they were realizing prophesy right there. Jesus performed the miracles, healed the sick and was preparing to make himself a sacrifice for all of mankind. The disciples were part of it.

Now a lawyer comes up and tries to interrupt Jesus momentum. He wanted to trick Jesus and ruin his credibility. What the lawyer did not understand is that he was no match for our God, who resisted the Devil’s temptation a few years earlier in the desert. His question was simple, “Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”

Jesus reminded him of scriptures and showed him how to find salvation through scripture. Look in Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18.

What doe these passages have in common with the lawyer’s answer?

The lawyer was handed an answer with a question. He may have felt silly and wanted to redeem himself by asking another question; who is my neighbor?

Jesus told a familiar story, one of compassion from a stranger to one in need. A man had just been attacked and many important religious leaders strolled by not wanted to get involved and refusing to help.

The man who did help was not judgmental about race, religion or circumstances. He genuinely felt sorry for the injured man’s state of being and gave of his own resources to help.

Quite often, we are not willing to do that. We cast judgments and make excuses.

“He should have known better than to walk that trail. Does not he know criminals are there?”
“That’s what he gets for not having insurance, I surely can’t help.”
“If I stop, I’ll be late for work.”
“Who goes out at night?”

Those who follow Jesus’ teachings don’t ask questions or pass judgment; they take action. They care for wounds of the heart, spirit and body. They provide food, clothing and shelter and they demonstrate God’s love and forgiveness to a fallen world.

Go and do likewise and again pray for me that I can do the same.

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